Japanese Dictionary

English Japanese Pronunciation
Showing translation entries 71 - 105 of 860
dearth 不足 more translation fusoku
death more translation shi
death penalty 死刑 shikei
deathbed 臨終 more translation rinjuu
debacle 大失敗 more translation daishippai
debar 妨げる samatageru
debase 質を落とす shitsuwootosu
debate 討論する more translation touron
debater 討論者 touronsha
debauched 放蕩 houtou
debauchery 道楽 douraku
debenture 債券 saiken
debilitate 弱体化する jakutaika suru
debility 衰弱 suijaku
debit 借方 more translation karikata
debonair 礼儀正しい reigitadashii
debris 砕片 more translation saihen
debt 債務 more translation saimu
debtor 借方 more translation karikata
debug デバグ more translation debagu
debugger デバッガ debagga
debugging デバッグ debaggu
debunk 覆す kutsugaesu
debut デビュー more translation debyu-
debutante お披露目 ohirome
decade 一昔 more translation hitomukashi
decadent 退廃的 more translation taihaiteki
decal デカール deka-ru
decathlon 十種競技 jisshukyougi
decay 崩壊する more translation houkai
decease 減少する more translation genshou
decedent 死亡者 shibousha
deceit 欺瞞 giman
deceive 騙す damasu
decelerate 速度を落とす sokudo o otosu

Word of the day:
mother · 母親

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