Japanese Dictionary

English Japanese Pronunciation
Showing translation entries 71 - 105 of 701
farcical 馬鹿げた bakageta
fare 料金 more translation ryoukin
farewell さよなら more translation sayonara
farfetched こじつけ kojituke
farm 栽培する more translation saibai
farmer 百姓 more translation hyakushou
farmhouse 農家 nouka
farmland 農地 more translation nouchi
fart おなら onara
farther もっと motto
farthest 最も遠い more translation mottomotooi
fascicle 分冊 bunsatsu
fascinate 魅了する nousatsu
fascism ファシズム fashizumu
fascist ファシスト fashisuto
fashion 流行 more translation hayari
fast 高速 more translation kousoku
fasten 締める shimeru
fastidious 選り好み more translation yorigonomi
fat 太った more translation futotta
fatal 致命的 more translation chimeiteki
fate 宿命 more translation shukumei
father more translation chichi
father in law 義理の父 girinochichi
fathom 探る saguru
fatigue 倦怠 more translation kentai
fatique 疲労 hirou
fatten 太らせる more translation futoraseru
fatty 脂っこい aburakkoi
fatuous 愚かな orokana
faucet 給水栓 more translation kyuusuisen
fault せい more translation sei
faulty ずさん more translation zusan
fauna 動物誌 more translation doubutsushi
favor 賛成する more translation sansei

Word of the day:
resistant · 耐性

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