Japanese Dictionary

English Japanese Pronunciation
Showing translation entries 806 - 836 of 836
twice 二回 more translation nikai
twiddle いじる ijiru
twig 小枝 koeda
twilight 黄昏 tasogare
twill ツイル tsuiru
twin 双子 more translation futago
twinge 心のうずき kokoronouzuki
twinkle キラキラ輝く more translation kirakirakagayaku
twirl クルクル回す kurukurumawasu
twist ねじる nejiru
twit からかう karakau
twitch 引っ張る more translation hipparu
two more translation ni
two of us 二人 futari
twofold 二重 nijuu
twosome 二人の futarino
tycoon 大物 more translation oomono
type more translation gata
typeface 書体 shotai
typeset 写植 shashoku
typesetting 写植 shashoku
typewriter タイプライター taipuraita-
typhoid 腸チフス chouchifusu
typhoon 台風 taifuu
typhus チフス chifusu
typical 典型的 more translation tenkeiteki
typo 誤字 more translation goji
typography 活版印刷 kappan'insatsu
tyrannic 専制的 senseiteki
tyranny 圧制 more translation assei
tyrant 暴君 boukun

Word of the day:
antipathy · 反感

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"more translation" means that there is more than one translation.