Japanese Dictionary

English Japanese Pronunciation
Showing translation entries 666 - 700 of 1091
anvil アンビル anbiru
anxiety 憂慮 more translation yuuryo
anxious 不安 more translation fuan
any 任意 more translation nin'i
anybody 誰か dareka
anyhow いずれにしても more translation izurenishitemo
anyone 誰か more translation dareka
anyplace どこでも dokodemo
anything 何なり more translation nannari
anyway とにかく more translation tonikaku
anywhere どこか more translation dokoka
aorta 大動脈 daidoumyku
apache アパッチ more translation apacchi
apart 別れ別れに more translation wakarewakareni
apartheid アパルトヘイト aparutoheito
apartment アパート apaato
apathetic 無関心 more translation mukanshin
apathy 無感動 mukandou
ape 類人猿 ruijin'en
aperture アパーチャ more translation apa-cha
apex 天辺 more translation teppen
aphasic 失語症 shitsugoshou
aphelion 遠日点 enjitsuten
aphid アリマキ more translation arimaki
aphorism 格言 more translation kakugen
apiece に付き more translation nitsuki
aplomb 落ち着き ochitsuki
apocalypse 黙示 more translation mokushi
apocalyptic 黙示録的 mokushirokuteki
apogee 遠地点 enchiten
apologetic 謝罪の shazaino
apologize 詫びる more translation wabiru
apology 弁明 more translation benmei
apostle 使徒 more translation shito
apostrophe アポストロフィ more translation aposutorofi

Word of the day:
corporate · 法人

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